If your version of R is older than 4.0.0, please install the latest version, though you may be fine with older versions.

To install R, see:

Then install RStudio. To do so, see https://rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/#download and click the blue button to download for your operating system.

Once you have RStudio installed, verify that you can install add-on R packages by installing the 'fields' package. In RStudio, go to 'Tools->Install Packages'. In the resulting dialog box, enter 'gapminder' (without quotes) in the 'Packages' field. Depending on the location specified in the 'Install to Library' field, you may need to enter your administrator password. To be able to install packages to the directory of an individual user, you may need to do the following:

R has many, many add-on packages that provide additional functionality. We'll use some of them during the bootcamp, and it's best if you've already installed them (though you can install them as needed).

To install the packages for the bootcamp, please run the following command within R:

install.packages(c('chron','colorspace','codetools','DBI','devtools','dichromat','digest','doParallel', 'dplyr', 'fields',
'foreach', 'gapminder', 'ggplot2','gridExtra','gtable','inline','iterators','knitr','labeling','lattice','lme4','mapproj','maps','munsell',
'patchwork', 'proftools', 'proto','purrr', 'rbenchmark','RColorBrewer','Rcpp','reshape2','rJava','RSQLite','scales','spam',
'stringr','tidyr','xlsx','xlsxjars','xtable'), repos = "https://cran.r-project.org")

For more detailed installation instructions for Windows, see the windowsInstall.html file.