Creating Dynamic Documents

Embedding Code Chunks in Scientific Documents


Christopher Paciorek

Creating dynamic documents

1 This tutorial

This tutorial covers the basics of creating documents that combine code chunks, mathematical notation, graphics, and text. We’ll cover R, Python, Julia and bash shell chunks in the context of documents written with Quarto, R Markdown, LaTeX, and Jupyter notebooks.

You might also consider using MyST.

For this tutorial you’ll need to install the following software, though individual parts of the tutorial only need some of the software.

  • Quarto
  • R (and optionally RStudio).
    • The rmarkdown and knitr packages for R.
  • A LaTeX distribution:
    • This is probably most easily obtained by running install_tinytex(), available from the R tinytex package
    • Alternatively, an installation such as MacTex (Mac) or MiKTeX (Windows).
  • Python and Jupyter

Department and university servers that you may have access to may also have some or all of this software already installed.

This tutorial assumes basic familiarity with LaTeX syntax (most simply just with some basic math syntax).

You should be able to follow the tutorial on any of MacOS, Windows or Linux.

Materials for this tutorial, in particular the demonstration input files in various formats, are available from the underlying GitHub repository via the icon in the upper left.


As of February 2025, the website for this tutorial was developed using Quarto, with the input files being (primarily) .qmd files.

2 Overview

In the following sections, we’ll point to example source files in each of the formats covered in this tutorial, and we’ll show how to create PDF and HTML files from each source document. Each example file covers the same material, showing basic use of equations and code chunks in R, Python, and bash. In addition, there are tips on formatting code to avoid output that exceeds the width of a page, which is a common problem when generating PDFs.

In general, processing the input file to create an output file (usually called rendering) involves evaluating the code chunks and creating an intermediate document in which the results of the evaluation are written out. When rendering to HTML the intermediate format is standard Markdown and when rendering to PDF it is LaTeX. Then the final step is to create the output in the usual way from the intermediate document (e.g., pandoc for Markdown and pdflatex for LaTeX). Note that these steps take place behind the scenes without you needing to know the details.

As a specific example, demo.html and demo.pdf show the final output, after “rendering” the input document (specifically in this case from the .qmd input, but output from the other input formats looks essentially the same).

3 Quarto and qmd files

Quarto is a relatively recent project meant to extend R Markdown to a more general purpose system that doesn’t focus on R and that also works with Jupyter notebooks. You can create qmd files that use the same syntax as R Markdown (Rmd) files or that use slightly modified syntax defined specifically for Quarto.

You can see Quarto’s syntax in demo.qmd. demo.html and demo.pdf show how it looks as a final output file, after rendering the input qmd document.

Quarto allows you to easily render output files from qmd, R Markdown, Markdown, and Jupyter notebook files.

You can also convert qmd files to Jupyter notebooks, using quarto convert file.qmd. This is nice if you like to do your work in notebooks (though RStudio also has a visual mode that behaves somewhat similarly).

Rendering engines

If only Python chunks or only bash chunks are used, Quarto will use the jupyter engine to render the chunks. For bash chunks to be processed you’ll need the Jupyter bash kernel installed. If you don’t want to install the bash kernel, you can request the knitr engine as discussed below.

Otherwise (if using R chunks or if there are chunks from multiple languages), quarto will use the knitr engine to run the chunks, which requires you to have R and the knitr R package installed. For Python chunks, this will use the reticulate R package behind the scenes to run Python code.

You can specify the engine by adding information to the YAML configuration information at the top of the qmd file, e.g., as follows to use the knitr engine:

engine: knitr

One benefit of using the knitr engine is that output from a chunk is interleaved with the code of the chunk, whereas with the jupyter engine (as with a Jupyter notebook), all output from a chunk appears after the entire code chunk is displayed.

Tools for developing qmd documents

Here are a few approaches you can use to interactively develop your documents.

  1. Text editor + quarto preview: The most basic approach is to use your favorite text editor and run quarto preview file.qmd from the command line (including Windows cmd.exe or PowerShell). Assuming that you’ve done an initial rendering of the document, this will display the output in a browser window and update the output any time you save the qmd file.
  2. VS Code: You can use VS Code with the Quarto extension. (If using Python chunks, you will probably also need the Python and Jupyter extensions). The extension will provide a “Run chunk” option above each chunk, and you can run individual lines using Shift+Enter (this may vary by operating system). You can also render from within VS Code and you’ll see the results displayed in a pane within VS Code. Note that with Python chunks, you may need to choose the Python interpreter that you want used - you can do this from the command pallette with “Python: select interpreter” or by clicking on the icon that shows the current Python interpreter.
  3. RStudio: You can use RStudio to interact with qmd files in the same fashion as with Rmd files. You can run chunks or individual lines of code easily and render easily using the Render button.

4 R Markdown

R Markdown is a variant on the Markdown markup language that allows you to embed code chunks that are evaluated before creating the final output, unlike standard static code chunks in Markdown that are not evaluated. R Markdown files are simple text files.

In demo-Rmd.Rmd, you’ll see examples of embedding R, Python, and bash code chunks, as well as the syntax involved in creating PDF, HTML, and Word output files. demo-Rmd.html and demo-Rmd.pdf show how it looks as a final output file, after “rendering” the input Rmd document.

5 LaTeX plus knitr

knitr is an R package that allows you to process LaTeX files that contain code chunks. The code chunks can be in one of two formats, either a format introduced by knitr (with extension .Rtex) or traditional Sweave format (with extension .Rnw). Files in either format are simple text files. I recommend the Rtex format.

demo.Rtex and demo.Rnw are examples of these formats, with examples of embedding R, Python, and bash code chunks. In both demo.Rnw and demo.Rtex you’ll also see the syntax for creating PDF output files.


Overleaf allows you to use either Rtex or Rnw style code chunk formatting within a LaTeX document (but note that documentation only shows the Rnw format).

Strangely, regardless of which format you use, you need to have your document name end in the .Rtex extension for the code chunks to be interpreted as code.

6 LyX plus knitr

You can embed code chunks in the Sweave (Rnw) format in LyX files and then process the file using knitr to create PDF output. demo.lyx provides an example, including the syntax for creating PDF output files. To use LyX, you’ll need to start the LyX application and open an existing or create a new LyX file.

7 Jupyter notebooks

Project Jupyter grew out of the IPython Notebook project and provides a general way of embedding code chunks, using a variety of languages (not just Python), within a document (called a notebook) where the text components of the document is written in Markdown. Basically a document is a sequence of chunks, where each chunk is either a code chunk or a Markdown (text) chunk. The Markdown text can of course include mathematical notation using LaTeX syntax.

To work with a Jupyter notebook, you start Jupyter by running jupyter notebook from the UNIX command line. This will open up a Jupyter interface in a browser window. From there, you can navigate to and open your notebook file (which will end in extension .ipynb). You can choose the kernel (i.e., the language for the code chunks – Python, R, etc.) by selecting Kernel -> Change Kernel or by selecting the kernel you want when opening a new notebook. Note that unlike with Quarto, a single file can only use a single kernel, so you can’t mix cells that use different languages.

You may have web-based access to Jupyter notebooks via services such as JupyterHub and Open OnDemand (e.g., on the UC Berkeley Savio campus cluster or through the UC Berkeley Statistical Computing Facility or the UC Berkeley DataHub). In that case you logon via a web browser and then start and interact with your notebook in the browser.

The Jupyter files have some similarities to demo.qmd and demo-Rmd.Rmd as both Quarto/R Markdown and Jupyter rely on Markdown as the format for text input. However, they handle code chunks somewhat differently.

You can insert code chunks in a different language using the %% magic syntax, as shown in demo-python.ipynb. We also have specific demo files for bash and R: demo-bash.ipynb and demo-R.ipynb. All include instructions for generating HTML output.

You can convert Jupyter notebooks to Quarto qmd format:

quarto convert demo-python.ipynb

This is nice in part because qmd (like Rmd) is more easily handled by version control and with shell commands than the JSON format of .ipynb files.